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[攝影訊息新聞] [手機攝影] 用iPhone拍出大師級作品--Yvonne Lu(章潔)

發表於 2015-7-30 12:27:11 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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( X3 C2 n. B7 ^) [參賽者必須以iPhone或iPad為照相器材,用最簡單的方式拍下他們所見的風景,
4 D' x! Y. v: m% ?* s5 Z' E1 l如果有需要修圖,也只能用手機裡的軟體進行後製。( u4 L, N% d* m8 b3 F

9 j0 w! X, r0 W9 `這是一場最純粹的攝影比賽,摒棄鏡頭與Photoshop的軍備競賽,4 ~' @: Q7 z( a+ ~. R8 J
以攝影者直覺捕捉的瞬間來決勝負。$ t( G/ }7 V3 }. P' F& U* X; J4 e
主辦單位從來自世界各國上千張照片中挑出19個類別的前3名、" U! {# w! @. U0 L( o
" f3 s2 }7 j  g% m5 D$ m  a4 Y
4 C4 |3 q" T6 ?! b! V**文章來源 風傳媒 風生活 藝術 謝孟穎 2015/07/27 http://bit.ly/1MyLAAB"% v) _( W, z* Y8 g, S5 w

; b4 }6 B& I( O  j2 Y3 K" n% \- H
2 q) v" l: V7 a& `/ C" c2015年,來自臺灣的美國攝影師Yvonne Lu(章潔)
+ r- Y. x6 v7 b# [# v用iPhone在旅程中隨手拍下一張照片,: l: C' v+ n% L9 V1 Z
奪得國際攝影比賽IPPAWARDS (iPhone Photography Awards)第三名,3 j/ m8 _+ g8 y/ M* w5 i8 e! y# ^
  d' X7 a* ~" U# }9 p6 P有時候只是單純按下快門捕捉決定性的一瞬間,就能感動世界一百年
- K7 N0 M' R4 o" K! p* g7 }; [# w: M) N
5 `  M/ L. B( p8 S* |5 `0 A$ u! {. M# r" H+ c$ V8 U: ^% X

' V  E5 d9 `- a4 f. Y& L7 T章潔拍下依偎的戀人,得到IPPAWARDS年度攝影師第三名。Photo credit: Yvonne Lu/IPPAWARDS  L  m0 x, |$ {" B" r* l: M+ k0 i
! z' E3 _9 ^* f* s2 q
來自臺灣的攝影師章潔(Yvonne Lu,本名呂宜潔),現居美國,任職於馬格南攝影通訊社(Magnum Photos)紐約分部。馬格南創立於1947年,孕育出無數偉大的紀實攝影師,創社元老之一的布列松(Henri Cartier-Bresson)更是二十世紀攝影的標誌,提到布列松,就不得不說「決定性的瞬間」這個攝影觀點。
# N- V1 M& v% d$ X: f; t7 g; h時間是不斷流動的,但總有幾個停格的分秒要讓人永生難忘,例如一個笑容、一個跳躍、兩個人的相視。布列松的照片很常捕捉到這些決定性的瞬間,而任職於馬格南的章潔,她的街拍照片(snapshot)也展現了這樣的精神。( D0 |' ?5 U9 k/ w4 D6 H; {
* V7 i; t8 a2 D+ u/ o
  x: Z, i- Y/ g0 F. e! WYvonne Lu: Capturing Moments Along the JourneyIt’s all about those unique and sometimes surprising moments along the journey for Yvonne Lu, who captured a quiet yet captivating image of a couple on a train. She noticed the pair as she travelled along the Hudson Valley River on her way home to New York City.
, J1 f( ]. }  ULu was taken by the beauty of this scene just a few seats away from her own and silently snapped the shot. “The couple,” she explains, “looks like they don’t need anything else in the world. I also found the romantic, vintage feel very entrancing. The two looked as if they could be coming back from a movie set.”- W; e, L2 q1 b3 M3 N* k3 B$ N
She relies on the iPhone to capture moments like these because it lets her take pictures quietly without disturbing her subjects. She also loves the ability to post her photos to social sites, like Instagram, and share them with the world instantly.1 @9 M3 s  k8 m9 s5 L7 \
Lu, whose Chinese name is Yichieh, is a Taiwan-born fine arts photographer who currently resides in New York. For more on her work, including intriguing self-portraits and astonishing imagery of pottery from the Chinese Song Dynasty, visit her website.: p& @# E- M5 q2 q: v

0 A. j: c1 \( v( O' x1 I9 {4 U
4 c" X& q/ x% b) R. W
3 X: m. m: X  ~5 w更多手機拍攝的作品 請到IPPAWARDS官方網站+ p. c2 J- y5 u  M

& [& N- z+ \  f2 _. {9 ]7 w) ~2 d0 F+ G4 ?
5 d3 r" y  R# s% t; Q" T所有分類得作品連結
0 d- M5 s0 c9 a1 W) [1 z有興趣的朋友可以連進去看看喔
3 V, u7 e1 d  w+ X! ~/ p' r5 wAbstract / Animals / Architecture / Children / Flowers / Food / Landscape / Lifestyle / Nature / News-Events / Others / Panorama / People / Portrait / Seasons / Still Life / Sunset / Travel / Trees
2 n/ C( Z9 [- C. p
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